Wednesday 9 March 2016

Avoid Perceptual Errors for Social and Career Excellence.

Perception and People

Perception is a strong term when it comes to humans and their thought and action process. It is defined as “A process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment”.
Like: Two individuals can look at same entity at same time and yet perceive it to be different in a lot of ways. A number of factors shape the way you perceive anything - it can be in the perceiver, the object being perceived or the circumstance under which these observations are being made.
In today’s scenario it plays an important part as whatever you or any object may try to reflect it may or may not be the same what is being perceived upon the other end of the channel.
Example: Like in today’s scenario in a Job interview there may be chances the whole process depends on 'what you are and how your candidature is being perceived upon' or 'you yourself might perceive the whole process differently'.
Lets Watch a video to understand it better.
However it is advisable to avoid any form of perceptual error when it comes to interacting with people at any stage of career or life cycle. The best way is to understand what the different errors are and how to overcome them and benefit in the long run.

Few types of Perceptual Errors and How to avoid them :

1.       Self Serving Bias: This is tendency of individuals to attribute their own successes to internal factors and putting the blame for failures on external factors.  Solution: Take ownership of your actions and outcomes. Learn from your failures and share the credit of your successes.
2.       Selective Perception: Selectively interpreting what one sees on the basis of one’s interests, background, experience and attitude. Solution: Be empathetic and focus just not on hearing but listening what others have to say. Chances are it might improve your listening skills and benefit you in the long run interacting with different people, adapting to various cultures and systems.
3.       Halo Effect: One of the most common errors, it means drawing a general impression about an individual or entity on the basis of a single characteristic. Solution: See people as what they are not what they were or what population or background they come from, every soul living on this planet is unique in its own way and if you discard this error chances are you might learn something from the other individuals’ traits. It would help in better team management where you can actually see the real person and his expertise and charisma.
4.       Contrast Effects: Evaluation of a person’s characteristics that are affected by comparison with other people encountered who rank higher or lower on same characteristics. Solution: Avoid ranking people on types rather see the USP of the whole creed , if you understand the community well you can offer and manage them better as a whole. No two experiences in life are the same.
5.       Projections: It is attributing one’s own characteristics to other people. Solution: See people as more homogenous they are not what similarities or differences they have with your attributes, like if a manager analyses on basis of projections he/she loses the ability to respond to the individual differences within the team.
6.       Stereotyping: The most occurring perceptual error – It is judging the person on the basis of one’s perception of the group to which the person belongs. It can have a devastating impact on anything in this era where the whole world is a single global village. Solution: never judge a person on the basis of his one single trait or community to which he belongs. Always see and admire people for their inheritance and culture , it will assure a positive impact on the whole interaction and who might know you might come across a unique group attribute you may end up acquiring and enjoying yourself.

 “The more you interact the more you learn, the more you learn the better you become “.

Video Source :Youtube(Stephanie L)